Don’t be scared: You Got This- Strength Training at Home for Nervous Beginners

Are you feeling apprehensive about taking the plunge and beginning strength training at home with a PT? Are you worried that it might be too hard or that you won't be able to do it? If so, don't worry! I understand your fears and I'm here to let you know that strength training can be a rewarding and amazing experience. So let me help you on your journey in discovering the wonders of lifting weights!

Why strength training is important for everyone, not just athletes

Everyone can reap the health benefits associated with strength training. It isn't just about looking good; it'll also do wonders for your physical and mental health. It can help decrease stress and anxiety levels, boost self-esteem and confidence. Strength training can improve your overall physical well-being by decreasing body fat, increasing lean muscle tissue, and accelerating metabolism. Additionally, it can strengthen bones and joints, which helps with posture alignment. It helps improve balance and coordination, making everyday activities easier. It helps alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and increases bone density reducing the chances of developing osteoporosis in later life. Regular participation in strength training has been clinically proven to help with reversing common chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. There isn't a reason why you shouldn't give it a go and overcome your fear of the unknown!

How to get started with strength training if you're feeling intimidated or scared.

Strength training doesn’t have to be intimidating or scary – despite what your head may tell you. Having a personal trainer come straight to your house takes away any anxiety associated with going to the gym. No more feeling self-conscious! You don't need to worry about expensive gym gear or fancy trainers and you don't even need to worry about whether you've washed your hair (it's probably going to get sweaty anyway!).  All you need is an open mind and a sense of fun! It may feel weird at first, but with persistence and practice, pretty soon your body will be able to do amazing things that'll make you look back and say 'wow!' So don't be afraid - go for it and see what strength training has in store for you!

Debunking a couple of myths

One of the most common fitness-related myths (especially if you're female) is that if you pick up a dumbbell, or start working out, you'll bulk up and transform into a bodybuilder overnight. This could not be further from the truth! Despite popular belief, lifting weights does not instantly turn you into an Olympic champion. Weight training will improve your muscle tone, strength and flexibility, but Arnie's levels of growth will take much more than a few sessions! So don't stress when picking up a dumbbell, you won't become a bulky hulk - unless you want to!

Contrary to what some may think, strength training can be more effective than cardio in terms of burning calories! While it might not seem as sweat-inducing in the moment, building muscle tissue is an incredibly effective way to burn calories. Not only does increased lean muscle help you look and feel stronger, but it also boosts your metabolism so that you're burning calories even after your workout has finished. 

Tips for staying motivated to keep up with your strength training routine

Staying motivated to keep up with your strength training routine can be a challenge! However, there are a few tips that can help make the process easier and more enjoyable.

  • Consistency is the key. Having your regular planned sessions set in your diary, and knowing that your trainer is committed to turning up will keep you accountable and on track.

  • Setting realistic goals is a must, as this will give you something tangible to work towards. Your Personal trainer should help you with this, after all they need to tailor your sessions to suit you!

  • Make sure you communicate with your trainer throughout the session; let them know what you are capable of and not able to do. This way, they can modify an exercise or adjust the plan accordingly!

  • Celebrate the changes in your body and revel in the progress you make through each workout - it's guaranteed to keep you feeling motivated!

Results won’t happen overnight and it’s important to remember that every new step is taking you closer towards the end goal.

In summary, strength training is a major component of creating a healthy lifestyle and should be something that everyone considers. Not only will it help improve your physical health, but will do wonders for your mental wellbeing too! Forget any myths you may have heard - these are just what they are, myths! Sticking to an accountability plan will also make it easier for sticking to your routine and achieving your goals. And to get the best out of your sessions, communicate with your trainer and let them know what you enjoy most.

Strength training is nothing to be scared of, especially when you have a reliable mentor who can teach and guide you on how to use it wisely. With the correct partner by your side, strength training will become an empowering journey that yields amazing results! So if you are looking to add strength training to your daily life but feel unsure where to start. I'm here! I'm a gentle trainer dedicated in staying motivated with you while delivering excellent sessions - so don't hesitate to contact me!


Give it some beans…


Strength Training and Osteoarthritis