5 winter running tips to keep you going…

As the summer sun starts to fade and the days begin to get shorter, it can be tricky to stay motivated to keep running.

It's no secret, even for the hardiest of us, winter running can be tough. The colder weather and darker days make it less appealing to go out and easier to stay cosy in the warm. Running just doesn't feel as fun as it did when the sun was shining and the temperatures were balmy. But, with a few adjustments, winter running can be fun and beneficial in keeping your training going.

Here are my top five tips to help keep you running through this winter.

Tip #1: Dress for success

One of the biggest hurdles to winter running is getting dressed for the occasion. The runners 'rule of thumb' suggests that your body temperature rises by approximately 10 degrees when exercising. So, if your weather app says the temperature outside is a chilly 4 degrees, by the time you hit mile two, you'll feel like it's 14 degrees. It's important to dress in layers so that you can adjust your clothing as your body temperature changes. Start with a base layer that will wick sweat away from your skin, followed by a mid-layer for insulation. Top it all off with a wind and water-resistant outer layer. And don't forget the hat, gloves and snood! Protecting your extremities from the cold will help your whole body feel more comfortable while you run. Keep safety in mind by making sure you can be seen: reflective gear is key for early morning or evening runs. With a little advance planning, you can enjoy winter running without feeling like a human icicle!

Tip #2: Consider your route

Running during the summer is easy. Just lace up your trainers and off you go without thought of where the trails may lead. Running through the winter months however can be more of a challenge, but it's definitely doable with a little planning. During these times you'll need to start thinking about the weather and plan your route accordingly before you set off. Look for roads or trails that are ploughed and free of ice, snow or flooding. I've been caught out a few times by unexpectedly deep puddles or boggy fields, so it's always good to have a backup plan. Whenever you do venture outdoors, tell someone where you're going and when you expect to be back - just in case something happens while you're out on your run.

Tip #3: Fuel your body

Just like in the summer, it's important to fuel your body properly for winter runs. Eating something small and light before heading out will give you energy to help power through your run, especially if you're sticking with the muddy trails. And once you're done, you can look forward to that hot mug of tea to help replenish lost fluids, a big warm hug of a jumper and a protein packed, wholesome and hearty meal for muscle recovery so you'll be ready to go for your next run. Proper fuelling will help you maintain your energy levels and keep your running form strong even as the temperatures drop, so you can keep enjoying those winter runs all season long!

Tip #4: Focus on fun

Winter runs offer a unique chance to appreciate the beauty of nature. As the leaves change colour from green to gold to red, your regular running route takes on a whole new look. And while you might not be able to appreciate the sound of crunching leaves over the sound of your own breathing, you can certainly enjoy the frosty air and the way your breath condenses in the cold. Winter running can be stunning, so take a moment during your run and give yourself the chance to enjoy the peace and quiet of the season and appreciate the beauty around you. It will make those long miles fly by!

Tip #5: Find a friend

Running with a buddy can help make runs more enjoyable even during the harshest of winters. Not only will having someone to chat with make the miles feel easier but it also makes you accountable on those cold mornings when all you want to do is hit snooze and stay in bed. You'll also be more likely to stick with your running schedule if you know someone is counting on you to show up! If connecting with someone in person isn't possible, there are plenty of apps and online communities dedicated to helping runners connect with each other virtually. Find one that works for you and commit to meeting up for regular virtual runs throughout the season.

There's no reason why you can't keep running all winter long! By investing in some quality cold-weather gear and dressing appropriately, modifying your route as needed, fuelling your body before and after workouts, focusing on fun and finding a buddy (or two), winter running can actually be enjoyable - even if it takes some extra effort! Give these tips a try and see how they work for you.

Happy winter running!


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